Damage prevention for endoscopes with Althea - training by specialists

18. July 2024

Shortly after the launch of the new e-shop for endoscopy equipment and medical supplies, Althea is presenting its range of services for endoscope damage prevention. Our company, established since 1997, offers comprehensive training in the correct use of endoscopy devices from all well-known manufacturers such as Fujinon, Pentax, Olympus and our own Althea brand endoscopes.

Damage to endoscopy devices can be costly. That's why Althea offers professional training on damage prevention to avoid downtime and expensive repairs.

As a certified manufacturer of endoscopes, we know best the critical points of the sensitive devices that deserve special attention. During our training courses, participants learn about the weak points of the respective devices and how the service life of sensitive instruments can be significantly extended. Our instructors also provide useful tips on the appropriate use, care and maintenance of endoscopes from various manufacturers.

Individual curricula, tailored to the available devices and adapted to the specific requirements of the respective institution, promote key skills in the correct handling of medical instruments. This includes cleaning, storage, visual inspection, manual tests, functional tests and the complete documentation of all device-related processes.

Through our training courses, we help to sensitize staff in hospitals, clinics and specialist practices to the appropriate interaction with sensitive devices. Proper handling helps to avoid common mistakes, which leads to a considerable extension of the effective service life of the endoscopes. Consistent damage prevention is reflected in reduced downtimes and considerable cost savings.

On request, we can provide direct feedback on measures that have already been implemented as part of a work shadowing program and actively support the introduction of further damage prevention routines for endoscopy devices. In this way, we consolidate what has already been learned and ensure that no errors creep into “do-it-yourself damage prevention” in the long term.

We pass on our extensive knowledge from over 25 years of experience to our customers and help them to help themselves. In doing so, we are fulfilling our obligation and responsibility to doctors, medical staff and, ultimately, the patients who rely on an accurate diagnosis: Our seminars reduce downtime, lead to greater safety during use and promise better results in the diagnosis and early detection of life-threatening diseases.

The entire team at Althea Germany is fully committed to supporting our customers. Our comprehensive range of services, our many years of experience and our qualified employees are your guarantee of security, transparency and quality at fair conditions.