The pandemic has shown the great economic dependency of many countries on each other. So is Europe's dependence on imports, particularly from China and Southeast Asia.
The disruption of global supply chains at the beginning of the Corona crisis caused production losses worldwide. The dependency on China and Malaysia became particularly obvious.
As a result of this global crisis, security of supply and product quality have once again become significantly more important.
This already tense situation is aggravated by the new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), which came into force on January 1st, 2023.
This law obliges companies to observe the "human rights and environment-related due diligence obligations specified in §§ 3 to 10 of the law in an appropriate manner with the aim of preventing or minimizing human rights or environment-related risks or ending the violation of human rights or environment-related obligations"." (§§ 3 - 10 LkSG).
The goal of the Althea Group for medical supplies is to be able to guarantee a reliable and permanent supply for our customers at fair prices and the best quality.
We therefore consciously chose true pioneers of sustainable nitrile glove manufacturers in Europe.
Production and delivery within Europe are faster, more flexible, more sustainable and therefore represent an important basis for you in terms of security of supply.
As our customer, you benefit from:
- short delivery times,
- Independence from shipping containers and expensive air freight,
- European production and
- stable procurement conditions.